of suicide and its remedy. Judas betrayed his Saviour, and went out and hanged himself. Loss of faith in the supernatural, loss of hope in the future, loss of charity for God and mankind, in a word, materialism is a fruitful source of this, as of every other crime. What is the remedy? Education of the mind? No; for it often happens the most highly cultured kill themselves. No, the remedy is education of the heart, Christian education. Hold up to a man the high ideals of the Christian faith, imbue him with its spirit of self-sacrifice, teach him the value of his soul, the transitory nature of this life, the existence of a hereafter of happiness or woe; in a word, teach him his duties to God, his neighbor and himself, and never, trust me, will his hand be raised against his own life. Amid the trials and afflictions of this world he will forget his own while alleviating those of others, and even in the worst possible crisis he will hearken to the voice of his Redeemer, " Come to Me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you and you shall find peace for your souls."