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describe the provisions the Apostles had carried with them indicate that the five barley loaves were of the cheapest kind, and the two fishes a species of sardine. So fared the God-man, though His was the earth and the fulness thereof. And that such austerity was His rule of life is further proved from the fact that when after His Resurrection He reappeared on Genesareth's shore, His preparing for them the selfsame meal, regardless of the splendid fish miraculously caught, was to them sufficient proof of His identity. Yet, though the loaves and fishes are their all, they grudge them not to the hungry multitudes. Ah, Brethren, what lessons here for all of us! What selfsacrifice in the cause of humanity, no matter how discouraging the results! His mission to Nazareth had been fruitless, they had rejected and sought to kill Him. Capharnaum had followed Him because it saw the miracles He did; and this vast multitude, because they have eaten of the loaves and fishes, call Him Prophet and hail Him as their King. Seeing, they see not, and hearing, they do not understand, for the one return He craves they fail to give; viz., faith in His divinity. That, and that alone, was all He sought, but from first to last, from His rejection by the Nazarenes to His weeping over Jerusalem, His search was one long disappointment. Yet despite ingratitude and unbelief He moves among them as untiringly and impartially as the sun that shines alike on good and bad, feeding the famished, and healing the afflicted. Oh, how many there are, who, placed by God securely on the mountain of pros-