all its accompanying blessings, profit not by it, our guilt will be all the greater. Hence, I venture to say, that a good Protestant is more acceptable in the sight of God than a bad Catholic, for it were better for a man never to have known the truth than, after he hath known it, to turn away from the holy commandment that was delivered to him. Does it not redound to our shame and the glory of Protestants that we, with all the graces and helps the true Church affords, are still so little better than they? Brethren, the fact that we have been called into Christ's true Church, places on us a fearful responsibility of clinging more closely to her; of using the means of salvation she holds out to us; and of thus working out our salvation which Christ has made so easy. As for those who have not been so called — well, we must have for them a forbearance and a love as broad as the mercy and charity of God Himself. Remember always, that though they belong not to the limited and visible body of the Church, they may belong to her world-wide and invisible soul; remember that of them Christ has said that: " Many shall come from the east and the west and shall sit down in the kingdom of God, but many of the children of the kingdom shall be cast out." Finally as for those that are outside both the soul and body of the Church, let us beg the holy Spirit of God to enlighten them to know the truth and to strengthen them to conform their lives thereto, so that there may be but one fold and one Shepherd.