the third is peculiar to Christ, viz., to leave the world with a soul and a glorified body, purged of all its earthly conditions. This then was Christ's meaning when He said: "I go to Him that sent Me." The body of Christ was to give the final proof that He was God and had gone to the Father. "When," says Our Lord, " when you shall have raised up the Son of man, then shall you know that I am God." His being raised up at His death on the cross, His rising from the tomb and His glorious Ascension, are each and all a series of corporal, visible proofs that He was God and went to the Father. That is why, at His death, the centurion said: "Verily this man was the Son of God." That is why at His Resurrection Thomas was convinced and said: " My Lord and my God." That is why the Apostles, after witnessing His Ascension cried out: " Verily,, Jesus Christ is in the glory of God His Father."
" I go to Him that sent Me and none of you asketh Me, whither goest Thou." When Our Lord, that same night, had first intimated His departure from them Peter had asked: " Lord, whither goest Thou?" And Thomas demanded: "Lord, show us the way that we may follow Thee." But after they have learned He is going to suffering and to death; after He had said: "The time cometh when whosoever killeth you will think he doeth a service to God," they no longer demand: " Lord, whither goest Thou?" they are no longer eager to follow Him, " For," He adds, " because I have spoken these things to you sorrow hath filled your heart." Such,