achieve our glorious possibilities we must first of all grasp firmly such fundamental truths of faith as Christ's divinity, and try to realize the overwhelming force of arguments such as His wondrous miracles. The human mind, if anything, is logical, and given first principles, it is sure to draw a practical conclusion; but from ignorance of fundamental truths result irreligion, indifferentism, and lukewarm Catholics. And after the foundation comes the superstructure, a life as like as may be that of John. To see one's duty and to do it come what may; to realize the importance of salvation and subordinate all other thoughts to that; to recognize the duty of preparing the Lord's way and leading others to Him by word and golden example; to cling fast to the Church in word and deed, believing her divine whatever scandal stain her human side; to do all this and to persevere unto death is to carry out Our Lord's instructions; is to imitate the Baptist; is to be an ideal Christian.