problems that perplex society — problems of labor and capital, of the extremely rich and extremely poor, of the governing and the governed — problems, all of which must inevitably yield before the doctrine of Christian Socialism, the doctrine of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. The Church rejoices again and most of all, because in this religion of the heart she sees the possibility of at last laying aside doctrinal disputes, and gathering the scattered flocks of the Christian world into one fold under one shepherd. Physiologists tell us that in the generation of a human being the heart is the first organ perfected, around which and by which the other members cluster and develop. Christianity, therefore, originated in the Sacred Heart, wherein the hypostatic union was accomplished. And since the record of that heart, from its first pulsation in the Virgin's womb to its last flutter on the cross was a story of love, so Christianity, to be true to its origin and its mission, must eventually be a law of love — a religion of the heart.
Brethren, I would that I might preach a worthy eulogy of the noble-hearted man! Of a good heart may be quoted the words of wisdom, that together with it come all good things. You may say of a man: " He is rich, he is wise, he is virtuous," even, and still, little have you said in his favor, but say of him: " He hath a good heart" and you have given him all praise. Dives the heartless is like a beautiful apple whose core is full of worms, but the loving Lazarus, after the fire of tribulation, resembles the roasted apple,