after seven years' trial, failed to accomplish. A celestial fire must have radiated from His eyes, and the majesty of the divinity shone in His countenance."
Brethren, it is characteristic of the Gospel history of Our Lord's life that seemingly trivial incidents such as the foregoing are found on closer inspection to be replete with deep dogmatic truth. This is further illustrated by two other circumstances closely allied to the subject of to-day's Gospel. A few days later Our Lord, wishing to celebrate the Passover and institute the Blessed Eucharist, sent Peter and John ahead, saying: " Go ye into the city and when you shall see a man carrying a pitcher of water say to him: The Master saith, Where is my refectory where I may eat the pasch with My disciples? And he shall show you a large dining-room, and there prepare." That the event transpired just as He foretold goes to show that the forecast was the exercise of no mere human knowledge but a calling into play of the divine gift of prophecy, and the promptness with which the man acceded to so extraordinary a request is proof positive that the petitioner was the Lord and Master of all, whose will no man can resist. Again, on the morning of the very day of His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, when they drew nigh to the city, Jesus sent two disciples ahead into Bethphage, saying: " Go ye into the village that is over against you, and immediately you shall find an ass tied and a colt with her; loose them and bring them to Me. And if any man shall say anything to you, say ye that the Lord