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not only the sinful deed but the longing glance, the interior passion, the foul thought, the covetous desire. Thus we are taught by God Himself that the secret of perseverance is to avoid the occasions of sin — that safety is found not in following the nine, but in joining the Samaritan at the feet of Christ.

Brethren, the Samaritan arises, the group breaks up, and the Pharisees approaching ask: "Master, when is the kingdom of God to come? " Christ answers: "The kingdom of God is within you." The nine, though outwardly restored are inwardly less godly than when they turned their hideous faces and raised their shrivelled hands appealingly to Christ, but the Samaritan has been transfigured through and through. Their transfiguration is in their flesh, which to-day is and to-morrow returns to dust, but his is a change of soul which will last forever and ever. It is our misfortune to be content with the appearances of sanctity, a fair exterior, but the critical eye of God goes deeper, it searches the reins and the heart. Brethren, whenever you say to God: " Thy kingdom come," remember that the kingdom of God is within you. A true, a lasting change of life must begin from within, and, working outward like the leaven, penetrate the entire mass of life's activities. This was Christ's meaning when He said to the cripple: " Son, thy sins are forgiven thee," and then proceeded to cure his bodily infirmities. If, then, you once succeed in establishing permanently within you God's kingdom; if in all things you seek first the kingdom of God and His justice, be assured all other