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Lord, shall be saved, but he that doeth the will of My Father." Rancor and hatred raged between the Jews and the Samaritans as to whether God was to be worshipped on Garizim or in Jerusalem, and Christ exposed their folly by saying simply : God is to be adored in spirit and in truth." With the Pharisees various articles of diet were unclean and forbidden, but Christ abolished their ordinances and made all meats clean, saying: " The things from without cannot defile a man, but from within, out of the heart, proceed all defilements." When asked to teach His disciples to pray, How simple and brief was the prayer He taught! When the demand was made: " Lord, what must I do to possess eternal life? " did He designate certain opinions and writes and ceremonies as essential to that end? No. His answer was : " Keep the commandments." What commandments? Those two on which depend the whole law and the prophets: " Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself." The keeping of these produces within us that new creature, in comparison with which, says St. Paul, circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. For if we have prophecy and know all mysteries, and have faith so as to move mountains, and speak with the tongue of angels, and fast and pray, and give our substance to the poor and our bodies to be burned, and if withal we have not interior righteousness, it will profit us nothing, for we are before God as a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. This is the lesson Christ's action in to-day's Gospel has for the Phari-