which every knee in heaven and on earth and in hell shall bend — than which there is no other name under heaven given to man whereby we must be saved " — the sacred name of Jesus. Yet, they say, you Catholics deify Mary and relegate the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost to the position of lesser divinities. Nay, more; they accuse us of taking to ourselves a graven thing — a few beads strung on a wire — a monkish invention — and making them the talisman of hope, the idol of men's love. As for the prayers themselves — why, they ask, why this monotonous mummery? Why this eternal repetition of the selfsame prayer? Why indeed, if not that the devotion of the Rosary is essentially Catholic, and therefore essentially wrong.
Brethren, when we Catholics desire direction in the practice of our religion we are not likely to appeal to our Protestant brethren for instruction. Of them are true the words of St. Paul, that " they understand not either the things they say or whereof they affirm." In fact, making due allowance for prejudice, what they deny is generally true, and what they affirm is to be denied. We do not deify Mary, neither do we adore her, but we honor her, first as the Mother of our God and again for her own transcendent virtues. So transcendent indeed that the Son of God Himself, like another Solomon, stepped down from His royal throne to raise her to a place by His side. Aye! and we hear Him address her in Solomon's words: " Speak, Mother, for I cannot refuse thy petition." Therefore when we appeal to the throne