only openly declares the disrespect for Mary which you by your neglect tacitly avow. Hence since God both hears men's words and reads men's thoughts, you are no better before God than he. Nay, you are worse — for he knowing not the truth lives consistently with his error, but you knowing the truth neglect to conform your life thereto. Again, there are many who do practise this devotion, who really do recite the Rosary every day; but how do they recite it? Ah, with them it is not a unison of mental and oral prayer — with them it is all oral — all words — and words pronounced, alas, not in a human manner, but after the method of a parrot or a speaking-machine. Truly, such a practice is but little better than absolute neglect. Nay, I would even venture to say that rather than recite the Rosary thus, it would be better not to attempt to say it at all, for the indifference of her children hurts the tender heart of our Mother less than their positive disrespect. But there are others who recite the beads every day and recite them well, and of these I say, may God and His holy Mother bless them, and enable them to persevere and lead others to imitate them. Let this be your devotion in Church and in the home circle always, but especially during this month of the Rosary. You will find that in your individual souls and in the community at large will be accomplished another triumph of the angels of virtue over the angels of sin — and again the heavenly voice will proclaim the kingdom of God reestablished upon earth and the power of His Christ restored.