tians, if to-day I urge that you join in spirit their ranks and help to swell their woeful chorus. For by sin you have, like the Jews, crucified the Saviour; you have, like them, incurred the wrath of God. God's kingdom within you has been overthrown. In your Father's house there are indeed many mansions, but those designed for you have been razed to the ground. That temple of God, your soul, has been so unfitted for the indwelling of the Spirit, that you have lost at once God's temple and the temple's God. In sin and its woeful results you have out-Jewed the Jews; endeavor now to outdo them in repentance. But rend not your garments; rather rend your hearts, grieving in spirit and in truth. The Jewish day of wailing, in modern times at least, is but the exhibition of the trappings and the suits of woe, but you should have within you that which passeth show, a sin-consuming remorse of soul, a fiery baptism of penance unto the remission of your sins. Let the motives to repentance I suggest be as fagots on that fire, and a breath to fan them into flame, that the dross of sin in your souls may be purged and burned away.
Brethren, to the healthful man few things are harder to realize than the nearness of death. God made you to walk upright, your eyes removed as far as possible from the ground, lest being reminded too frequently of your earthiness, you should find life unendurable. But this, like others of God's mercies, you, reckless sinner, abuse to your own destruction. Yet think a moment and you can, you must acknowledge your danger from death's nearness. God in