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are God's without also teaching to give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's? Only the other day her highest prelate, speaking to the Catholics of America, defined her policy thus: " Go forward bearing in one hand the book of Christian truth and in the other the American Constitution." I venture to say that in working out the social problems that confront them, the real statesmen and true patriots of the country look to the Catholic Church as their ablest assistant. And well they may; and the Church, given fair play and no favor, is right ready to assist, for on America she looks as a mother on her young and beautiful daughter. I repeat it, America is a product of Catholicity. Her government is the most perfect among nations, because it most nearly resembles that of the Church. The Declaration of Independence is a declaration of Catholic principles as old as the Church, and the framers of our Constitution were guided by the Catholic theory of government — liberty, equality, and fraternity — borne to them like an echo from the times of their Catholic ancestors. The State without the Church can never handle the poor. " Father," says the poor old widow, " Father, I am destitute, send me to the Sisters' home; but sooner than go to the Island I will die in the street." The State alone can never subdue the lawless. Two or three policemen vainly struggle with a madman; but the priest comes along and immediately fury gives place to submission and repentance. The State locks up criminals and makes them more rebellious still, but the Church enlightens them with truth and