representatives from every clime, and to them the Catholic Church alone can speak in their mother-tongue the tenets of Christianity and the principles of good American citizenship. Take this venerable Church as an example. In the Sunday-school are thirteen hundred little ones of seven different nationalities, and though to many of their parents English is an unknown tongue, yet each Sunday you will find the children here learning from the same Catechism those eternal truths which in time will make them devoted Christians and loyal Americans. This is but an instance among many of the Church's works. Her chiefest claim to recognition, however, is that between Catholicism and infidelity there is no permanent abiding-place. Forego but one iota of her infallible definitions, and inexorable logic will force you eventually into indifference or absolute unbelief. The invitation, therefore, to the marriage-feast in our day, and always, is in reality a call to embrace the Catholic faith. On that issue America will be judged, and because we love her and wish her length of days, therefore do we desire to see America Catholic. While God is humbling or destroying the nations that reject or persecute His messenger, the one true Church, we want America to hearken to her voice and take a place at the very head of the Lord's banquet-board. When the gracious Host comes in to see His guests He will find, we trust, America clad, not in the variegated and tattered rags of a spurious Christianity, but in the seamless wedding-garb of Catholicity. If the voice of