aid. Hence, the grace of God appeared in the person of Jesus, and appeared to representatives of all nations, collected for the Passover — came, actually experiencing our every infirmity, and so binding men to God with a sympathetic bond, and discovering to them the precious pearl of salvation, to purchase which they would sell their every possession and their lives. He appeared to all, I repeat, for it is a remarkable fact that Christ's birth was made known to every condition of men and women, from John in his mother's womb to the aged Simeon; from the royal Magi to the simple shepherds; to Mary the Virgin; to Anna the widow; to Elizabeth the espoused; at His death every nation was represented; and since then, through the Church, the light of Gospel truths has suffused the world, even the spiritually blind and the slumbering. Such is the audience the infant orator of Bethlehem addresses. On Sinai of old His majestic presence terrified the people, but who can now resist the simple pathos of His childish eloquence? Ah, He has held the world spellbound for nineteen hundred years and been born again in the souls of men, times innumerable. Brethren, how shall you and I know whether or not Christ is born in us? Whether or not now live, not we, but Christ in us? This shall be a sign unto you. Do you deny your ungodly and worldly desires; do you live soberly and justly and godly in this world? Soberly; do you, more wisely than the banqueters of Cana, partake moderately of the cup of pleasure, that you may, like Lazarus, enjoy the greater