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His redemption, Jesus Christ destroyed death, and changed it into a source of life to us. When St. Pionius, martyr, was asked how he could go to death with so much joy, he answered: ”You err; I do not go to death but to life."“Erratis non ad mortem, sed ad vitam contendo." (Apud Eusub., lib. iv. cap. xiv ) Thus also St. Symphorosa exhorted her son, St. Symphorian, to martyrdom: ”My son," said she, ”life is not taken away from you; it is only changed for a better one."

14. St. Augustine says, that they who love God desire to see him speedily, and that, therefore, to them life is a cause of suffering, and death an occasion of joy. "Patienter vivit, delectabiliter moritur." (Trac. ix. in Ep. Joan.) St. Teresa used to say, that to her life was death. Hence she composed the celebrated hymn, ”I die because I do not die." To that great servant of God D. Sancia Carriglio a penitent of Father M. Avila it was one day revealed, that she had but a year to live; she answered: ”Alas! must I remain another year at a distance from God? O sorrowful year, which will appear to me longer than an age." Such is the language of souls who love God from their heart. It is a mark of little love of God not to desire to see him speedily.

15. Some of you will say: I desire to go to God, but I fear death. I am afraid of the assaults which I shall then experience from hell. I find that the saints have trembled at the hour of death; how much more ought I to tremble! I answer: It is true that hell does not cease to assail even the saints at death, but it is also true that God does not cease to assist his servants at that moment; and when the dangers are increased, he multiplies his helps. ”Ibi plus auxilii," says St. Ambrose, ”ubi plus periculi." (ad Jos. cap. v.) The servant of Eliseus was struck with terror when he saw the city surrounded by enemies; but the saint inspired him with courage by showing to him a multitude of angels sent by God to defend it. Hence the prophet afterwards said: ”Fear not, for there are more with us than with them." (4 Kings vi. 16.) The powers of hell will assail the dying Christian; but his angel guardian will come to console him. His patrons, and St. Michael, who has been appointed by God to defend his faithful servants