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so willing to hear our prayers, as our true God. "Neither is there any other nation so great, that hath gods so nigh to them, as our God is present to all our petitions." (Deut. iv. 7.) The princes of the earth, says St. Chrysostom, give audience only to a few; but God grants it to every one that wishes for it. ” Aures principis paucis patent, Die vero omnibus volentibus." (Lib. 2, de Orat.) David tells us that this goodness of God in hearing us at whatever time we pray to him, shows us that he is our true God, whose love for us surpasses the love of all others. ” In what day soever I shall call upon thee, behold I know thou art my God." (Ps. lv. 10.) He wishes and ardently desires to confer favours upon us; but he requires us to pray for them. Jesus Christ said one day to his disciples: ” Hitherto you have not asked anything in my name; ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full." (John xvi. 24.) As if he said: You complain of me for not making you perfectly content; but you ought to complain of yourselves for not having asked of me all the gifts you stood in need of; ask, henceforth, whatsoever you want, and your prayer shall be heard. Many, says St. Bernard complain that the Lord is wanting to them. But he complains with more justice that they are wanting to him, by neglecting to ask him for his graces. ” Omnes nobis causamur deesse gratiam, sed justius forsitan ista sibi queritur deesse nonnullos." (S. Bern, de Tripl. Cust.)

3. The ancient fathers, after having consulted together about the exercise most conducive to salvation, came to the conclusion, that the best means of securing eternal life is, to pray continually, saying: Lord, assist me; Lord, hasten to my assistance. ” Incline unto my aid, God; Lord, make haste to help me." Hence the holy Church commands these two petitions to be often repeated in the canonical hours by all the clergy and by all religious, who pray not only for themselves, but also for the whole Christian world. St. John Climacus says, that our prayers as it were compel God by a holy violence to hear us. "Prayer piously does violence to God." Hence, when we pray to the Lord, He instantly answers by bestowing upon us the grace