Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/120

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lamps but no oil are signified such as have the knowledge of truth, but no good of life adjoined to it, for oil signifies good or love. "At midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh." This signifies the coming of the Lord to judgment—and individually each one's particular judgment at death. "And those that were ready went in with him to the marriage:" that is, those who are found to have their lamps burning brightly from the oil in them,—in other words, whose souls are full of heavenly light from the conjunction of goodness with truth in their minds are received into heaven and happiness eternal.

We here see that heaven itself is represented in the Word by marriage, and, in fact, is so called. Hence may be seen the essential holiness of true marriage. On this subject the Doctrine of the New Church thus further speaks: "Marriage in the heavens is the conjunction of two into one mind. Mind consists of two parts, one of which is called understanding, and the other, will: when these two parts act in unity, they are called one mind. In this mind, the husband acts that part which is called the understanding, and the wife that which is called the will. When this conjunction, which is in the interiors, descends into the inferior principles which are of the body, it is perceived and felt as love, which is conjugial love. From which considerations it is evident that conjugial love has its origin in the conjunction of two into one mind. In proportion as two conjugial partners are in such conjunction, so far they are in conjugial love, and at the same time so far in intelligence, wisdom, and happiness.