Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/154

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to turn away men's minds from looking to and worshiping Him, who was "God manifest in the flesh:" or to reject the Holy Word, and deny its inspiration and Divinity, and thus to cast aside that precious Book of Revelation, which the Lord in his mercy and love, has sent down to show men the way to heaven:—to do these things, wilfully and obstinately, when one knows or might know better—this is to "bear false witness," in the worst and most dangerous manner.

Thus various and comprehensive are the meanings of the Divine Commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Let us strive, henceforth, to keep and obey this Commandment better than we have done heretofore; and pray the Lord to give us the wish and the strength to do so. "If ye know these things," said the Lord, "happy are ye if ye do them."