Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/41

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here meaning properly the lower earth, which was near the hells. As the apostle says, "he descended into the lower parts of the earth."[1] Those who were there are meant in Scripture by the "bound," or the "captives," whom the Lord delivered out of the prison-house, and by the prisoners whom he drew out of the pit.[2] The same state, also, is referred to in Peter's saying, that the Lord "preached to the spirits in prison,"[3] that is, instructed these waiting spirits in the truths which it was necessary for them to know, before they could put off their falses, and so be elevated into heaven. Captive spirits in a similar condition to these are described in the Apocalypse—by the souls under the altar, who were waiting for their deliverance, and crying, "How long, O Lord?"[4] The state of such captive spirits was represented by the Israelites in bondage in Egypt; and the deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt by Jehovah's "strong hand and outstretched arm," represented the work of Redemption accomplished by Jehovah in the Humanity, that is, by Jesus Christ, whereby he delivered the good out of the bondage of hell and of evil spirits, and conveyed them to the heavenly Canaan, that is, elevated them into heaven.

Yiewed in this light, it may be seen, that the words, "who brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of servants," refer in their true and spiritual sense, to Jesus the Savior; and thus that the God who here speaks of himself as the

  1. Eph. iv. 9.
  2. Isa. xlii. 7; li. 14.
  3. 1 Pet. iii. 19.
  4. Rev. vi. 9—11.