Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/58

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regenerated more and more so long as he lives in the world. It was a gradual work; and hence the words "I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again;" that is, it was already glorified in part, and the process would be continued. And it was continued, till, after the Lord's Resurrection, the Human became one with the Divine, the Son one with the Father, and then Jesus ascended as united God and Man, altogether Divine, and now reigns the one God of heaven and earth.

Thus, then, in the celestial or supreme sense, by the name of God is meant the Lord's Humanity. And to take God's name in vain, is meant to deny the Divinity of that Humanity. The reason that this is a sin that cannot be forgiven, or the unpardonable sin, is because he who obstinately denies the Divine of the Lord's Humanity, thereby shuts his mind against heaven, and severs it from conjunction with the Lord. For there is no conjunction with God, or the infinite Divine, except through a medium; as Jesus said, No man cometh to the Father, but by me:[1] the term Me there signifies the Humanity or Human Nature which uttered those words, and the Father means the infinite invisible Divine. The finite mind cannot grasp the Infinite, and therefore cannot be conjoined with it in thought; but with that Infinite clothed with Humanity, as in Jesus Christ, it can be conjoined. Hence man must look to this Humanity glorified, or to Jesus Christ, and then it has a true object of worship; as Jesus said, "He that seeth me seeth the

  1. John xiv. 6.