Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/79

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from the proprium. But the Sabbath, as shown in the former discourse, represents a state of rest and peace in regeneration, when man does nothing from self but all from the Lord. Now, when the Jews did work on the Sabbath, they violated the representation, which violation was perceived in heaven, and spirits and angels, in that case, could no longer be present with them. And such violation was punished with death, not only as an example and warning to others, because it was of the utmost importance to the welfare of the human race that the connection with heaven should be maintained,—but also because the punishment of death represented that he who acts from self and not from the Lord, is in evil, and thus is in a state of spiritual death.

In like manner, it was forbidden to bake and to boil, on the Sabbath; because to bake denoted preparation for the conjunction of good, baking being effected by fire, and fire signifying good or love: so to boil denoted preparation for the conjunction of truth, boiling being done by water, which signifies truth.[1] These operations were commanded to be done, not on the Sabbath, but on the day previous; because the Sabbath signified conjunction itself, the conjunction of good and truth; whereas the operations of baking and boiling represented only preparation for conjunction; which belongs to a previous state. So minute and particular were all representatives in the Jewish Church.

In the Book of Numbers, fifteenth chapter, there is an instance related of the punishment of death for the

  1. Arcana Cœlestia, n. 8496.