Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/88

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But those, on the other hand, who keep this Commandment, by attending regularly the services of public worship, and who moreover spend the intervening hours, as far as practicable, in reading the Holy Word and the precious writings of the church, and in instructing their families in the same, will reap a harvest of spiritual blessings, both in this life and in the life to come. They will be armed and strengthened, on the Sabbath, for the temptations of the week—for the trials of the daily life; they will be brought into communion with angels, while listening, in company with others, to the Holy Word; and they will have states of sanctity laid up by the Lord in the interiors of their spirits, which will come forth with power and delight in the life after death. Such will be the benefits of a regular and humble attendance on the services of the Sanctuary. And bring your children with you: train them up to go regularly to church on the Lord's Day: let them never think of staying at home, except for illness. Says the wise man, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Is it too much to devote one day in seven to the worship of the Lord, and to "meditation on the things that pertain to salvation and eternal life"—when the main object of our life in this world is to prepare for the life eternal?