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On the Second Reason for the Last Judgment.

the chosen children of God those whom we looked on as simple and stupid, while we have to go with the demons into eternal darkness! Then shall the angels launch forth against the world and its vanities that curse mentioned by St. John in the Apocalypse: “Alas! alas! that great city, which was clothed with fine linen and purple, and scarlet, and was gilt with gold,” where nothing was to be seen but luxury and extravagance, is now humbled and completely ruined: “For in one hour she is made desolate. Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets, for God hath judged your judgment on her.”[1] Rejoice! ye holy servants of God, who have foretold her misfortunes, and have always despised the deceitful happiness of the world, bewailed her blindness, and given such lively expression to your hatred of her by your warnings and example! Formerly her children refused to believe you; they laughed at your admonitions, despised your teachings, well meant as they were, and ridiculed and persecuted you on account of them; now it is your turn to triumph; your cause is gained; the Judge confirms the sentence you long since pronounced: “God hath judged your judgment on her.” Oh, how the chosen followers of Christ will then exult and triumph because they humbly walked in the narrow way according to the precepts of the Gospel, and by bearing the cross after their divine Master, found, in spite of its weight, rest for their souls, experiencing to their great consolation that the yoke of Christ is sweet and His burden light! How the poor will thank God for having left them in poverty, and taken from them every occasion of pride by calling them to a lowly state of life! How they will exult when they hear the words fulfilled in their regard: blessed are the poor, the humble, the meek, and those who have suffered much persecution and oppression during life!

Conclusion and exhortation to despise the judgments of the world and serve God zealously. Pious servants of God! the conclusion is for you. For your advantage, and to justify your virtues that are now hidden, calumniated, and despised, there will be a day of general judgment; rejoice now in this certain hope! Only continue to serve your God; let others judge, criticise, condemn, ridicule, laugh as long as they may; be not disturbed thereat; think to yourselves: I am in this world only for the purpose of saving my soul, and

  1. Væ, væ civitas illa magna, quæ amicta erat bysso et purpura et cocco, et deaurata erat auro; quoniam una hora desolata est. Exsulta super earn cœlum et sancti apostoliet prophetæ; quoniam judicavit Deus judicium vestrum de illa.—Apoc. xviii. 16, 19, 20.