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The Last Sentence of the Judge on the Criminal.

now consider myself as incapable of enjoying the supreme Good? If I had not such a clear knowledge of Thee, and knew not Thy worth, I should not feel so much pain at being deprived of Thee; and if the separation lasted only for a time I could and should easily find some consolation. But now Thou art my God, and Thou hast been offered to me as my portion and inheritance; and yet I have to go from Thee! Xow Thou art my God, whose worth I see only too clearly; and I have to be separated from Thee! Now Thou art my God, my sovereign and only Good, and I have lost Thee forever! And is there no hope of my ever seeing Thee again? No; not the slightest hope. Depart from Me, along with the whole rabble of accursed ones! “Because I called, and you refused.”[1] I wished to have you with Me in heaven, but you did not wish to come. I became Man for you, shed My blood, gave up My life for your salvation, but you have made no use of My goodness. For years and years I have had patience with you while you were in the state of sin; I have offered you the bene5t of My merits, of My Passion in the holy sacrament of penance, “and you refused.” You did not wish to acknowledge or love Me as your God; you have offered incense to other deities; you have adored the world and its vanities; I had to yield in your choice to a transitory gain, a filthy pleasure, a breath of honor, a mere mortal! My cross was a scandal to you; My poverty and humility too mean for you; My life and the laws of My Gospel only provoked your laughter; heaven was in your estima tion not worth striving for. Away with you, then! what keeps you here? Let those enjoy My glory in heaven who have striven as they ought to gain it, Depart from Me! out of My sight, My kingdom, My inheritance, the society of My beloved children! Never for all eternity shall you have any part with them!

He shall be cursed by God. Depart from Me, you cursed! Another thunderbolt, my dear brethren. You are accursed by Me, who purchased a blessing for you; accursed by the blood I shed for you, which cried out for mercy and pardon; accursed by My death, which was offered to gain eternal life for you; accursed by My heavenly Father, who had prepared a kingdom for you; accursed by the Holy Ghost, who wished to sanctify yon; accursed by My Mother, through whom so many sinners have found salvation; accursed by My angels, who were appointed to guard you; accursed by all My saints, who went before you with their good example; ac-

  1. Quia vocavi, et renuistis.—Prov. i. 24.