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The Last Sentence of the Judge on the Criminal.


Terrible shall be the day of general judgment. The expectation, nay, the bare thought of it should fill men with dread if their consciences are not in a good state. “Then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud with great power and majesty.” A terrible day in all its circumstances! Terrible when we consider the Person of the Judge, who shall be the all-knowing and just God, a Man like to us, our Redeemer, the Pattern of our lives! Terrible when we consider the poor sinner who shall be summoned to this judgment, accused, examined, and convicted therein; as we have seen already in eight sermons. There is still one point, and that a most terrible one, namely, how the sinner, summoned, examined, accused, and convicted, shall have the sentence of condemnation pronounced on him, etc. Continues as above.

End of the First Volume.