Page:Session Laws of North Carolina, April, 1777.pdf/15

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LAWS of North-Carolina.

A.D. 1777

Method where Perſons are conſcientiouſly ſcrupulous. III. AND be it Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid, That in all Caſes when any Judges, Juſtices of the Peace, or other Perſons, are or ſhall be impowered to adminiſter any Manner of Oath in this State, and the Perſon to be ſworn ſhall be conſcientiouſly ſcrupulous of taking a Book Oath in Manner aforeſaid, and pray the Benefit of this Act, it ſhall and may be lawful for all ſuch Judges, Juſtices, and other Perſons, and they, and each of them, are hereby required to excuſe ſuch Perſon from laying Hands upon or touching the Holy Goſpels; and the ſaid Judges, Juſtices, and others, are hereby directed in ſuch Caſe to adminiſter the Oath requried in the following Manner, to wit, The Party ſo conſcientiouſly ſcrupulous, and praying the Benefit of this Act, ſhall ſtand with his right Hand lifted up towards Heaven, in Token of his ſolemn Appeal to the Supreme God, whoſe Dwelling is in the higheſt Heavens, and alſo in Token, that if he ſhould ſwerve from the Trutch, he would draw down the Vengeance of Heaven upon his Head, and ſhall introduce the intended Oath with theſe Words, viz. I A. B. do appeal to God, as a Witneſs of the Truth and Avenger of Falſehood, as I ſhall anſwer the ſame at the great Day of Judgment, when the Secrets of all Hears ſhall be known, that, &c. as the Words of the Oath may be. And it is hereby Declared, That an Oath thus adminiſtered and taken, with the right Hand lifted up, is and ſhall be a lawful Oath in this State; and ſuch Oath ſhall be admitted and uſed in all Courts in this State where the ſame ſhall be requeſted as aforeſaid, and ſhall be equally good and valid in Law, to all Intents and Purpoſes, as if the ſame Oath had been taken by the Party, having laid his Hand upon, and kiſſed the Holy Goſpels.

Affirmation of Quakers, &c. to be admitted as Evidence. IV. AND be it Enacted, by the Authority aforeſaid, That the ſolemn Affirmation of Quakers, Moravians, and Menoniſts, made in the Manner heretofore uſed and accuſtomed, ſhall be admitted as Evidence in civil Controverſies in this State; and where other Perſons are required to take an Oath or Oaths to the State, the ſaid Quakers, Moravians, and Menoniſts, ſhall make their ſolemn Affirmations in the Words of the ſaid Oath or Oaths, beginning after the Word ſwear, or ſhall make ſuch Affirmations as ſhall be hereafter provided for them by Law.


An Act for the Puniſhment of ſuch Perſons as ſhall procure or commit any wilful Perjury.

Pen. ſuborning Witneſſes.I.BE it Enacted, by the General Aſſembly of the State of North-Carolina, and by the Authority of the ſame, That every Perſon who, at any Time after the Tenth Day of May, ſhall unlawfully and corruptly procure or ſuborn any Witneſs or Witneſſes, by Letters, Rewards, Promiſes, or by any other ſiniſter and unlawful Labour or Means whatſoever, to commit any wilful and corrupt Perjury, in any Matter or Cauſe whatſoever now depending, or which hereafter ſhall depend in Suit and Variance, by any Writ, Action, Bill, Complaint, Indictment or Information, in any wiſe touching or concerning any Crime or Offence, or touching or concerning any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or any Goods, Chattels, Debts, Damages, or other Eſtate or Intereſt whatſoever, in any Court of Equity, Superior Court, Court of Appeals and
