Page:Session Laws of North Carolina, April, 1777.pdf/3

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LAWS of North-Carolina.

A.D. 1777

A Colonel, per Day, 0-12-6
A Lieutenant Colonel, 0-10-0
A Major, 0-10-0
A Captain, 0-7-6
A Lieutenant and Chirurgeon, 0-5-0
An Adjutant, 0-7-6
An enſign, 0-4-6
A Serjeant, 0-4-0
A Corporal, Drummer, & Fifer, 0-3-0
A common Man, 0-2-6
A Brigadier General, 1-12-0

Commanding Officer to return Acount of Diſburſements. VII. AND be it further Enacted, That the commanding Officer of every Regiment ſhall return an Account of all Expences and Diſburſements, and Pay, appertaining to the ſaid Regiment, and ſhall produce as Vouchers for ſuch Account, the Account rendered on Oath of the Captains of the ſeveral Companies, and other Perſons expending or diſburſing for the ſaid Regiment.

Number of Light Horſemen. VIII. AND be it further Enacted, That there ſhall be Ten Light Horſemen, and no more, from each Regiment, to be arrayed in one or more Companies, when they ſhall have joined the Brigade, at the Direction of the Brigadier General.

Militia how tried. IX. AND be it further Enacted, That no Officer or Soldier in the militia Service ſhall be tried for any Offence againſt the Militia Law, or the Articles of War, except by a Court Martial, to conſiſt only of militia Officers.

To be under Command of of Militia Officers. X. AND be it further Enacted, That no Brigade, Regiment, Company or Diviſion of Militia, ſhall be under Command of any but militia Officers, except when ſuch Militia ſhall be ordered by the civil Power to join the continental Troops; in which Caſe, the continental Officer of equal, and the militia Officer of ſuperior Denomination ſhall command.

Diviſions call led into Service how formed, and commanded. XI. AND be it further Enacted, That ſuch Diviſions as ſhall at any Time be called into Service, ſhall be formed into Companies of not leſs than Fifty Men each, with a proportional Number of Officers, Serjeants, Corporals, Fifers, and Drummers; And all the Officers of each Regiment ſhall agree among themſelves concerning who ſhall command the Men directed to march into actual Service; but if they cannot agree the commanding Officer ſhall cauſe Lots to be draw, and the Officer on whom ſuch Lot ſhall fall ſhall command in their proper Rank and Department.

Perſons liable to be drafted. XII. AND be it further Enacted, That all Perſons within the Ages of Sixteen and Fifty, ſhall be liable to be drafted, and every Perſon ſo drafted obliged to ſerve, or find an able-bodied Oerſon in his Room; Provided that the Council of State, and Public Secretary, and Juſtices of the Peace, Miniſters of ſome Church regularly called, and having the Cure of Souls, and continental Poſtmaſters, ſhall not be obliged to attend general or private Muſters.

Fines of Defaulters how recovered and applied. XIII. AND be it further Enacted, That for all Defaults at private Muſters the Captains of their reſpective Companies ſhall iſſue Citations againſt the Delinquents, returnable to the ſucceeding Muſter, and in Caſe of inſufficient Cauſe being ſhewn for Abſence, ſhall iſſue his War-
