Page:Seven Years in South Africa v2.djvu/441

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In the Leshumo Valley.

Portuguese traders had failed to get payment for the goods they had supplied, and had been put off time after time with equivocal excuses.

It was further reported, that most likely Jan Mahura, with his brother, would find his way next day to the Leshumo valley. He had just received a payment, after five years, for his services as interpreter, and felt only too certain that his life was now quite insecure beyond the Zambesi.

Westbeech had still left a small portion of his property in Sesheke, under the charge of Fabi, his half-caste cook, who could not accompany him, because Asserat, the wife Sepopo had given him, refused to go to the south. But the bulk of Westbeech’s ivory, weighing altogether 11,080 lbs., had now arrived at the Leshumo valley.

On the 17th my servant Elephant was taken ill with inflammation under the knee, a disorder that is very common among the Masupias and Matongas. It is called “tshi kana mirumbe,” and may generally be cured by the application of bean-flour poultices.

Two days later the waggons were packed. The bullocks arrived at midnight, and we started without delay for Panda ma Tenka.

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