Page:Seven excellent new songs (1).pdf/4

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Fare thee well (illegible text) yet think a while,
On one, whose bosom bleeds to doubt thee
Who now would rather trust that smile,
And die with thee than live without thee.

Fare thee well!—I'll think of thee!
Thou leav'st me many a bitter token;
For see distracting woman! see,
My peace is gone, my heart is broken.


Fairest maid on Devon Banks
Crystal Devon, winding Devon,
Wilt thou lay that frown aside,
And smile as thou were want to do?

Full well thou know'st I love thee dear;
Could'st thou to malice lend an ear?
O did not love exclaim, "Forbear!
"Nor use a faithful lover so?"

Fairest maid on Devon Banks!
Crystal Devon, winding Devon,
Wilt thou lay that frown aside,
And smile as thou were wont to do?

Then come, thou fairest of the fair?
Those wonted smiles, O let me share!
And, by thy bounteous self I swear,
No love but thine my heart shall know