Page:Seven excellent new songs (1).pdf/8

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But blyth's the blink o' Robie's ee,
And weel I wat he looes me dear;
Ae blink o' him I wadna gie
For Buskie glen an' a' his gear.

O thoughtless lassie, life's a faught,
The canniest gate, the strife is sair;
But ay fu'-han't is fetchtin best,
A hungry care's an unco care:

But some will spend, and some will spare,
An wilfu' fouk maun hae their will;
Syne as ye drink, my maiden fair.
Keep mind, that ye maun drink the vill

O gear will buy me rigs o' land,
And gear will buy the sheep and kye
But the tender heart o' leesome love,
The gowd and siller canna buy.

We may be poor, Robie and I;
Light is the burben love lays on:
Content and love brings peace and joy:
What mair nae queens upon the thrown?