Page:Seven sentimental songs.pdf/4

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A thief sae pawkie is my Jean,
To steal a blink by a' unseen;
But gleg as light are lovers' een,
When kind love is in the ee.
O this is no, &c.

It may escape the courtly sparks,
It may escape the learned clerks:
But weel the watching lover marks
The kind love that's in her ee
O this is no, &c.


My heart is sair, I darena tell,
My heart is sair for somebody,
I could wake a winter night,
For the sake o' somebody.
Och hon, for somebody!
Och hey, for somebody
I could range the world around,
For the sake o' somebody.

Ye pow'rs that smile on virtuous lov
O, sweetly smile on somebody;
Frae ilka danger keep him free,
And send me safe my somebody
Och hon, for somebody!
Och hey, for somebody!
I wad do, what wad I not,
For the sake o' somebody