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Page:Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.djvu/10

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The receipts in this little book are, in every sense of the word, American; but the writer flatters herself that (if exactly followed) the articles produced from them will not be found inferior to any of a similar description made in the European manner. Experience has proved, that pastry, cakes &c. prepared precisely according to these directions will not fail to be excellent: but where the economy is expedient, a portion of the seasoning, that is, the spice, wine, brandy, rose-water, essence of lemon, &c. may be omitted without any essential deviation of flavour, or difference of appearance; retaining, however, the given proportions of eggs, butter, sugar, and flour.

But if done at home, and by a person that can be trusted, it will be proved, on trial, that any of these articles may be made in the best and most liberal manner at one half of the cost of the same articles supplied by a confectioner. And they will be found particularly useful to families that live in the country or in small towns, where nothing of the kind is to be purchased.

January 15th, 1828.