- Six whites of eggs.
- Six large table-spoonfuls of jelly.
- A pint of cream.
Put the jelly and white of egg into a pan, and beat it together with a whisk, till it becomes a stiff froth and stands alone.
Have ready the cream, in a broad shallow dish. Just before you send it to table, pile up the froth in the centre of the cream.
- A quart of rich cream.
- Half a pound of powdered loaf sugar.
- The juice of two large lemons, or a pint of strawberries or raspberries.
Put the cream into a broad pan, and squeeze the lemon juice into it, or stir in gradually the strawberries or raspberries, which must first be mashed to a smooth paste. Then stir in the sugar by degrees, and when all is well mixed, strain it through a sieve.
Put it into a tin that has a close cover, and set it in a tub. Fill the tub with ice broken into very small pieces, and strew among the ice a large quantity of salt, taking care that none of the salt gets into the cream. Scrape the cream down with a spoon as it freezes round the edges of the tin. When it is all frozen, dip the tin in lukewarm water; take out the cream, and fill your glasses;