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transmissible in sexual congress, sad examples of which are constantly before physicians, it is now a well-established fact that, by a sort of chronic poisoning, consumption is communicated even to those who were apparently the least predisposed to it. This nuptial contamination daily counts its victims unsuspected by the community, because public attention has scarcely been directed to the fact, the opinion of physicians being seldom sought in the conclusion of marriages. It is enough to declare the existence of the danger to awaken attention to the subject.

Nor can we sufficiently stigmatize those instances in which the stupidity of society allows women to be married who, from faulty conformation of the pelvis, or by reason of some organic disease, are almost sure to fall victims to the ravages of childbirth. Ordinary prudence would seem to dictate that families should seek counsel in all cases where there is the slightest suspicion of any infirmity incompatible with the normal accomplishment of the end of marriage — ^the propagation of the species. In the ab- sence of enlightened views upon this subject, the whole matter, unfortunately, is left to the decision of chance, the deplorable consequences of which are matters of daily observation.

A question often asked, is there any means of determin- ing, in advance, the sex of offspring ? We answer, unhesi- tatingly, No ! — so far as voluntary influence is concerned, and yet extended observation and study have conducted us to a theory which appears to be well founded. In brief, the conclusions are as follows:

1. The sex of the progeny of given parties will depend upon the relative vigor of their sexual organization.

2. If the man be the stronger in this regard, the children wrill be girls, and vice versa.