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of the people, until the frequency of such murder is not longer sought to be concealed, we hereby warn those who are guilty of these crimes that they cannot inherit eternal life, and that it is vile hypocrisy for such persons to remain in connection with the visible Church of Christ; and we exhort those who have been called to preach the Gospel, and all those who love purity and the truth, and who would arrest the just judgment of Almighty God from the State and nation, that they may be no longer silent or tolerant of these things, but take a bold stand, that the thought of impurity and cruelty may be stayed/' — Proceedings of the "Old School Presbyterian Assembly," New York.

2 That is, when the child can live if prematurely born ; determined to be possible after six months, when the opera- tion for premature delivery may be justifiable under certain circumstances not necessary to detail here.

3 This time not altogether without fear of contradiction, for men of science are too often slow to trust implicitly in the God of nature, or to change old and rooted beliefs.

4 A witty French author calls the honeymoon the moon-shine.

5 Kev£ill6-Parise. Traits de la Viellesse.

6 Op. cit. p. 431, et seq.

7 Exceptional instances of procreative ability in advanced life are mentioned in medical works — instances so rare,