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The Tempest.
Ste.Put off that gowne (Trinculo) by this hand Ile haue that gowne.
Tri.Thy grace shall haue it.
Cal.The dropsie drowne this foole, what doe you meaneTo doate thus on such luggage? let's alone And doe the murther first: if he awake, From toe to crowne hee'l fill our skins with pinches, Make vs strange stuffe.
Ste.Be you quiet (Monster) Mistris line, is not this my Ierkin? now is the Ierkin vnder the line: now Ierkin you are like to lose your haire, & proue a bald Ierkin.
Trim.Doe, doe; we steale by lyne and leuell, and't like your grace.
Ste.I thank thee for that iest; heer's a garment for't:Wit shall not goe vn-rewarded while I am King of this Country: Steale by line and leuell, is an excellent passe of pate: there's another garment for't.
Tri.Monster, come put some Lime vpon your fingers, and away with the rest.
Cal.I will haue none on't: we shall loose our time,And all be turn'd to Barnacles, or to ApesWith foreheads viilanous low.
Ste.Monster, lay to your fingers: helpe to beare this away, where my hogshead of wine is, or Ile turne you out of my kingdome: goe to, carry this.
Tri.And this.
Ste.I, and this.
A noyse of Hunters heard. Enter diuers Spirits in shape of Dogs and Hounds, hunting them about: Prospero and Ariel setting them on.
Pro.Hey Mountaine, hey.
Ari. Siluer: there it goes, Siluer.
Pro.Fury, Fury: there Tyrant, there: harke, harke. Goe, charge my Goblins that they grinde their ioynts With dry Convulsions, shorten vp their sinewes With aged Cramps, & more pinch-spotted make them, Then Pard, or Cat o'Mountaine.
Ari.Harke, they rore.
Pro.Let them be hunted soundly: At this houre Lies at my mercy all mine enemies: Shortly shall all my labours end, and thou Shalt haue the ayre at freedome: for a little Exeunt.Follow, and doe me seruice.
Actus quintus: Scæna Prima
Enter Prospero (in his Magicke robes) and Ariel.
Pro.Now do's my Proiect gather to a head: My charmes cracke not: my Spirits obey, and Time Goes vpright with his carriage: how's the day?
Ar.On the sixt hower, at which time, my Lord You said our worke should cease.
Pro.I did say so, When first I rais'd the Tempest: say my Spirit, How fares the King, and 's followers?
Ar.Confin'd together In the same fashion, as you gaue in charge, Iust as you left them; all prisoners Sir In the Line groue which weather-fends your Cell, They cannot boudge till your release: The King, His Brother, and yours, abide all three distracted, And the remainder mourning ouer them, Brim full of sorrow, and dismay: but chieflyHim that you term'd Sir, the good old Lord Gonzallo, His teares runs downe his beard like winters drops From eaues of reeds: your charm so strongly works 'em That if you now beheld them, your affections Would become tender.
Pro.Dost thou thinke so, Spirit?
Ar.Mine would, Sir, were I humane.
Pro.And mine shall. Hast thou (which art but aire) a touch, a feeling Of their afflictions, and shall not my selfe, One of their kinde, that rellish all as sharpely, Passion as they, be kindlier mou'd then thou art? Thogh with their high wrongs I am strook to th' quick, Yet, with my nobler reason, gainst my furie Doe I take part: the rarer Action is In vertue, then in vengeance: they, being penitent, The sole drift of my purpose doth extend Not a frowne further: Goe, release them Ariell, My Charmes Ile breake, their sences Ile restore, And they shall be themselues.
Ar.Exit.Ile fetch them. Sir.
Pro.Ye Elues of hils, brooks, stãding lakes & groues, And ye, that on the sands with printlesse foote Doe chase the ebbing-Neptune, and doe flie him When he comes backe: you demy-Puppets, that By Moone-shine doe the greene sowre Ringlets make, Whereof the Ewe not bites: and you, whose pastime Is to make midnight-Mushrumps, that reioyce To heare the solemne Curfewe, by whose ayde (Weake Masters though ye be) I haue bedymn'd The Noone-tide Sun, call'd forth the mutenous windes, And twixt the greene Sea, and the azur'd vault Set roaring warre: To the dread ratling Thunder Haue I giuen fire, and rifted Ioues stowt Oke With his owne Bolt: The strong bass'd promontorie Haue I made shake, and by the spurs pluckt vp The Pyne, and Cedar. Graues at my command Haue wak'd their sleepers, op'd, and let 'em forth By my so potent Art. But this rough Magicke I heere abiure: and when I haue requir'd Some heauenly Musicke (which euen now I do) To worke mine end vpon their Sences, that This Ayrie-charme is for, I'le breake my staffe, Bury it certaine fadomes in the earth, And deeper then did euer Plummet sound Solemne musicke.Ile drowne my booke.
Heere enters Arielbefore: Then Alonso with a franticke gesture, attended by Gonzalo. Sebastian and Anthonio in like manner attended by Adrian and Francisco: They all enter the circle which Prospero had made, and there stand charm'd: which Prospero obseruing, speakes.
A solemne Ayre, and the best comforter,To an vnsetled fancie, Cure thy braines(Now vselesse) boile within thy skull: there standFor you are Spell-stopt.Holy Gonzallo, Honourable man,Mine eyes ev'n sociable to the shew of thineFall fellowly drops: The charme dissolues apace,And as the morning steales vpon the night(Melting the darkenesse) so their rising sencesBegin to chace the ignorant fumes that mantleTheir cleerer reason. O good GonzalloMy true preserver, and a loyall Sir,To him thou follow'st; I will pay thy gracesHome both in word, and deede: Most cruelly