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Page:Shakespeare - First Folio Faithfully Reproduced, Methuen, 1910.djvu/45

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The Tempest.

And seeke for grace: what a thrice double AsseWas I to take this drunkard for a god?And worship this dull foole?
Pro.Goe to, away.
Alo.Hence, and bestow your luggage where you found it.
Seb.Or stole it rather.
Pro.Sir, I inuite your Highnesse, and your traineTo my poore Cell: where you shall take your restFor this one night, which part of it, Ile wasteWith such discourse, as I not doubt, shall make itGoe quicke away: The story of my life,And the particular accidents, gon bySince I came to this Isle: And in the morneI'le bring you to your ship, and so to Naples,Where I haue hope to see the nuptiallOf these our deere-belou'd, solemnized,And thence retire me to my Millaine, whereEuery third thought shall be my graue.
Alo.I longTo heare the story of your life; which mustTake the eare strangely.
Pro.I'le deliuer all,And promise you calme Seas, auspicious gales,And saile, so expeditious, that shall catchYour Royall fleete farre off: My Ariel; chickeThat is thy charge: Then to the ElementsBe free, and fare thou well: please you draw neere.Exeunt omnes.

spoken by Prospero.

NOw my Charmes are all ore-throwne,And what strength I haue's mine owne.Which is most faint: now 'tis trueI must be heere confinde by you,Or sent to Naples, Let me notSince I haue my Dukedome got,And pardon'd the deceiuer, dwellIn this bare Island, by your Spell,But release me from my bandswith the helpe of your good hands:Gentle breath of yours, my SailesMust fill, or else my proiect failes,which was to please: Now I wantSpirits to enforce: Art to inchant,And my ending is despaire,Vnlesse I be relieu'd by praierWhich pierces so, that it assaultsMercy it selfe, and frees all faults.As you from crimes would pardon'd be,Exit.Let your Indulgence set me free.

The Scene, an vn-inhabited Island
Names of the Actors.

Alonso, K. of Naples:
Sebastian his Brother.
Prospero, the right Duke of Millaine.
Anthonio his brother, the vsurping Duke of Millaine.
Ferdinand, Son to the King of Naples.
Gonzalo, an honest old Councellor.
Adrian, & Francisco, Lords.
Caliban, a saluage and deformed slaue.
Trinculo, a Iester.
Stephano, a drunken Butler.
Master of a Ship.
Miranda, daughter to Prospero.
Ariell, an ayrie spirit.

