Page:Shall we have a Channel tunnel?.djvu/45

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on our hands at present. Egypt is unsettled and may give occupation to our army and navy. And turn your eyes to the East, to Central Asia, and read the articles in the Morning Post of January 29 and 31, regarding the Russian army in the Caucasus, and the Russian Railway scheme. Trouble, expense, and increase of troops to defend our Indian possessions are looming in the future, and it may be no distant future for us, so systematically is the Russian advance seen to be conducted, and we have I say enough on our hands without increasing our defences and our troops on our own shores. One word more and I have done; if the Channel Tunnel should be made, and I trust it will not be so, I will ask as a favour of the promoters and doers of the work, that they will agree to have inscribed in large and conspicuous letters on our end of it, these words,