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You have been too confident of my Consent; presume no longer on my Aunts Authority: My Heart is yet my own, and while it continues so, my Person shall never be dispos'd of.—Come not near me to day.

Speaks.] Why am I thus abus'd?

Lucin. Come not near me to day.—Mark that command. Why am I disobey'd?

Bell. If any mistake has happen'd to cause this Alteration, or if in ought unknowing I've transgrest, may I not be permitted to clear my Innocence?

Lucin. To make your self more guilty, is that to clear your Innocence? I will have you take notice, that I expect to be obey'd in every trifle: Let my Commands seem never so unjust or unreasonable, I say, I will be obey'd; nor will I have my Lover dare to examine the reason of what I do, but submit patiently, and expect with Resignation: While I am your Mistress, learn to behave your self like my Vassal; when I am your Wife, you may have your Revenge.

[Re-enter Lady Dorimen, Angelica, and Sir Toby.

Sir Toby. Well, I'll say't, of a Critick, my Lady Dorimen's the Critick of Criticks.

Bell. [aside to Luc.] There is a secret Mystery in your Words and Actions, that must be explain'd,—but this is no time for it,—your Company returns.—I know not how to suspect your Virtue, and therefore I entreat you, Madam, if I have in any thing ignorantly offended, condemn me not unheard.[Bows, and is going.

Lady Dor. Stealing off: Mr. Bellamour, do we drive you away?

Bell. I beg your Ladiship to excuse me, I will wait on you the next turn.

[Seems to go out, but turns short, and talks aside to the Maid.

Lady Dor.