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( 16 )

Dia. Really, Sister, such a Confession do's not become the mouth of one who values her Reputation.

Mel. Men are odious Creatures I vow, and I'll live and die in the Assertion.

Fred. Young Courtall will soon make Proselytes of you all.

Dia. He! Harmless insignificant Thing.

Fred. One of you, if you love me, must love him. I have already told you how passionately I adore his Sister, and that he has promis'd to put me in possession of her, when ever one of you four will content to be his Wife. Upon this Article depends my Life and Happiness; if not perform'd, I am miserable; but if perform'd, am blest forever.

Dia. To save a Brother's life, really much shou'd be done; but, I vow, a Man is strangely my Aversion.

Mel. True, Sister; but when a Brother's Life's in Jeopardy.

Fred. Today he has promis'd to determine which of the four is most his inclination; wherefore I beseech her, whom ever it is he fixes upon, to confider she has a Brother's Life and Fortune in her hands.

Dia. If I am the Person, really I cannot agree to it, unless you confess that you are verily persuaded that I consent out of pure Love and Kindness to you, and not any Carnal Affection to the Man—And I don't at all doubt but I am the Person.

Mel. You the Person?

Dor. Sure he has more Wit than to chuse the Oldest.

Dia. The Oldest? You insipid Creature——

Fred. Pray cease these untimely Dissentions.

Enter a Boy to Frederick.

Boy. Mr. Courtall Sir, is at your Honour's house, and has directed me to acquaint the young Ladies, that he will wait there till they have done walking.

Fred. Tell him they are coming——[Exit Boy.

Your Lover is waiting for you at home; I find he cannot be very disagreeable to you, since you are so ready to quarrel for him.
