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( 26 )

Heads be never so full of Devotion, the Devil is sure to be in their Tails.

Phil. But which are the ways most in practice and observ'd to be most prevailing over their frailty?

Sir Toby. Why Money, adzooks, nothing like Money; be free of your Purse, and your Presents, your Settlements, and your Jointures, and you may be as free as you please, with whom you please: All, all are Danaes, by this Light; and the Golden Ravisher is never deni'd entrance.

Phil. This indeed is a great incroachment upon Love: In matters of Love, Love only should prevail.

Sir Toby. Thus we have been so long ill us'd by the Sex: There are so many Examples of Estates Mortgag'd, and honest Fellows undone by their Treachery and Expensiveness, that we begin to leave 'em off, and resolve to stick to one another. For my own part, I am resovl'd not to care one farthing for the Sex more, not I, igad, Bacchus shall have all my Gold.

Phil. And Venus shall never starve while I can furnish her; you old Fellows always rail at Pleasures you are past. Nothing relishes when the Appetite is gone. For my part, I have quite another Idea of the Sex; at least, I will delay censuring till I have examin'd into Lucinda's Truth: If Lucinda has been false, I will then turn Railer like you, and conclude the worst of 'em all.

Ang. See here, an Informer for your purpose;—Mrs. Placket can give you the best Intelligence of that.

Enter Placket.

Phil. Mrs. Placket, I am overjoy'd to see you.

Plack. Mr. Philabel, you are welcome from the Wars. My young Lady is distracted to fee you;—she has been in such frights for you, poor thing,—but was overjoy'd to hear how well you carried your self in the last Battle.——

Sir Toby. How well his Horse carri'd him, adzooks, thou mean'st.

Plack. This note will better inform you.[Delivers a Note.

Phil. Reads.