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( 49 )

Sir Toby takes Angelica about the Neck and Kisses her.

Sir Toby singing). And a Kiss and a Glass be still going round.

Ang. Sir Toby, you Kiss in anothers wrong: all my kisses are bespoke for to Night. See what a dreadful challenge my Lady Dorimen put into my hand at parting.

Sir Toby reads.) You may Wonder at the confidence I have in you, upon so short an acquaintance. Think it not an effect of my easiness, but your own Merit. You will be welcome to Night at my own house at ten.

Ang. Ten is the lucky hour Sir Toby: if you have any thing to Command, speak, I must give the Signal.

(Knocks at the Door.

Enter Placket.

Plac. O, are you come; follow me, and be sure you make no noise.

Ang. I know how to behave my self upon these occasions.

Plac. 'Tis not the first time you have practis'd.

Sir Toby. Nor you neither, good Mrs. Placket; you both know your Trades.

Plac. Are you there, then we shall never have done. Come, come your ways.(Exeunt Ang. and Plac.

Phil. These young Smock-fac'd fellows, Sir Toby, carry all before 'em. Brave Warriours and Men of Sense, Besiege ten years in vain, the Beast prevails in a night.

Sir Toby. The truth is, Women have deprav'd Appetites; but here's my comfort still— (Embracing a Wench.

Pox of Quality—Give me an obedient Jade, without forms of Ceremonies. Hark ye Colonel these are most of 'em my own Flesh and Blood, begotten by my Iniquity, and bred up for my Iniquity. The Great Turk has not a better Seraglio.

Phil. Not such a Seraglio indeed.

Sir Toby. But why loiter we here? yonder's a Tavern, what sayest thou, Lad, to a quart of Canary before we sleep—Hey! Cats Guts strike up. Jenny, Gipsy, Judith—yee Jezebels follow me all.

Sings.) Our Joys are Immortal, &c.(Exeunt Musick playing.