Page:Sheila and Others (1920).djvu/152

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mestic dailiness" everyone aims to escape when he can. Keddo's undisguised joy in your companionship, his eager response to every suggestion, his engaging affection and happy whole heartedness put a sunbeam in your path. It was impossible not to take a brighter view of life in the radiance of his unquestioning enjoyment of it. He had the secret talisman of happiness, joy in what is, instead of heartburning for what is not and cannot be.

Another point that association with Keddo brought home to one was a sense of the possibilities that lie in straight dealing. Never having been "fooled" (save on that one unfortunate and inadvertent occasion of the kitchen episode), his confidence in us and desire to fulfill his own small obligations to us, were the uppermost motives of his existence. He lived but to please, and was heart-broken (for two minutes), if he failed in this or his good intentions were misconstrued. I remember once a boy visitor absorbed in a game brushed him indifferently aside. Keddo regarded him quietly for a moment and then running to his mistress, his adored, he thrust a small muzzle under her arm with an imploring look wherein hurt sensibilities were plainly