Page:Sheila and Others (1920).djvu/161

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to favor her side. The weather-vane (like that of the Germans in the early days of the war) seemed ever to be pointing in her direction. Her mayonnaise was equal to mine (or accounted so) and made by a simpler process. Her blends of flour substitutes were varied, acceptable and afforded material for much conversation at the family board. Her repertoire in ringing the changes upon fish seemed inexhaustible, and when Mrs. Bland, who prides herself upon her all-sufficiency as a housekeeper, asked me for my recipe for caramel custard, I felt the climax had been reached. I soared in the reflected glory of Adelina's capability.

Of course, there were times when I felt uneasy it could hardly be otherwise. Periodic visitations to the larder I found were neither expected nor desired. I reasoned with myself. It is merely "interrupted habit," I said severely, "and a sign of on-coming age. You are growing inelastic. Accept the good the gods provide, and show yourself worthy of them."

So I went no more to the bread-box or refrigerator except when Adelina was out, and then these were always above reproach.