Page:Sheila and Others (1920).djvu/24

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transformation. She had risen to her opportunities and adapted herself with surprising flexibility to such resources as her position and attractions commanded. It was plain that she was wrought of "good stuff." I liked her none the less for a certain reserve she showed along with her open-hearted warmth of disposition. I recognized it as an essential quality of substance and of capacity for growth. She was never afraid to acknowledge any little kindness shown her, as smaller natures are (as though gratitude might frighten it away), and she had the really priceless quality of identifying herself with the interests of the household, sharing its pleasures and taking for granted a corresponding interest in her own.

But there was not wanting evidence that Sheila was ripening for another and larger sphere than our small circle afforded. I realized it long before she did. So that when she told me one day that her sister who had preceded her to America and was now in Cleveland doin' fine, and suggesting that Sheila join her (adding with cheerful confidence "When you are suited, Mem"), I was more concerned for her welfare than I was surprised.