Page:Sheila and Others (1920).djvu/76

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that have no money standard—things money cannot buy."

"As for instance?" he suggested. As I did not instantly reply, he took up the thread again himself, earnestly, respectfully, as a genuine seeker after truth. "Excuse me, but I see you have a good many books about you here. You probably lead what is called 'the intellectual life.' You might be able to throw light on a point that has never become clear to me. It is this. What do people see in the profession of teaching and that sort of thing that attracts them? I know there must be something in it that I don't get a-hold of. There isn't what I would call a decent living in it—what attracts them?"

"But they may not put money-making first," I said.

"Why not?" he asked with every indication of sincerity. "One must make his living before he can do anything else. I don't call it a living if one has to pinch and save at every turn. There must be something else, and I'd like to know what it is."

Could I tell him? Was it worth while trying?

I did try. I used all the old arguments and