Page:Shepherd's lament for the loss of his sweetheart.pdf/6

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[ 6 ]

But when thus united, how noble the fame!
What envy must wait on so happy a name!
Love stood my protector in all the alarms,
While the silver-ton’d trumpet still sounded to arms.


YE muses assist me, I'd have you draw near,
and guide both my hand and my pen,
These lines for to write, and I’ll make it appear,
how maids are deceiv'd by young men,
Young men, how maids are deceiv’d by young men.

For once I’d a true love but now I have none,
for a true love I cannot say,
For he is deceitful, and from me is flown,
I lament for him both night and day,
Night & day, I lament for him both night and day.

The thoughts of blind fortune I highly disdain,
so will I whilst I have breath,
But constant to him I still will remain,
whilst I have a being on earth,
On earth, whilft I have a being on earth.

Some women will change, and shift like the wind,
or the swallow that swiftly do fly,
But I am resolv’d ne’er to alter my mind,
but constant remain till I die,
Till I die, but constant remain till I die.

The frowns of blind fortune I never will fear,
altho' it oft will be constant to him,
I still will be true to the man who’s my dear,
I’ll remain so till my last minute is run,
Is run, I’ll remain so till my lift minute is run.