Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/253

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5 days' halt with the intention of besieging it, he fell back on his base (Parnir?)

Hambir Rao, penetrating further into Kanara, robbed the city of Pench,*[1] 24 miles from Bankapur, in Bahlol's jagir, looting at least 150,000 hun worth of booty. Thence he returned with 3,000 ox-loads of plunder. Bahlol and Khizr Khan, with 2,000 cavalry and many foot-soldiers,tried to intercept him near Bankapur, but were defeated after a desperate battle and put to flight with the loss of a brother of Khizr Khan. Hambir Rao robbed the entire Bijapuri army, captured 500 horses, 2 elephants, and much other prize. (March, 1674.) †[2]

  1. * The whole of this paragraph and the next is based upon Narayan Shenvi's letter of 4th April 1674 (F. R. Surat, Vol. 88) and the Dutchman Vain Reade's letter of 15th Dec. 1674, (Dutch Records, Vol. 32, No. 824), which latter calls the pillaged bazar "Honspent, situated on the borders of Bijapur near Bankapur." (Hospet near the ruins of Vijaynagar cannot be the place meant.)
  2. † Sabhasad refers to this campaign on p. 80, but gives other names to the place of battle and the Bijapuri general: "Hambir Rao went with his army to Sampgaon [19 m. s. e. of Belgaum.] Husain Khan Miana, a great Bijapuri general, with 5,000 Pathans marched against Hambir Rao. A severe battle took place between them, from noon till next morning. Many men horses and elephants were slain in Husain's army. He was captured with 4,000 horses, 12 elephants, many camels, and property beyond calculation. His whole army was destroyed." See also Chitnis, 146; Dig. 339. Z. C. says that towards the end of March 1674, the Marathas looted Sampgaon and that Anand Rao fought Khizr Kh. capturing two elephants.