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language may be dismissed as they have copied this Sabhasad Bakhar (at places word for word), and the additional matter they furnish is either incorrect or trivial, often mere "loose traditions." None of them is based on any contemporary document, though a few have recorded some correct traditions of true events (as we know from non-Marathi sources.) But they have padded out their source (Sabhasad) by means of Sanskrit quotations, miracles, rhetorical flourishes, emotional gush, and commonplace remarks and details added from the probabilities of the case or from pure imagination.

Translated into English by J. L. Manker as Life and Exploits of Shivaji (Bombay, 1st. ed. 1884, 2nd ed. 1886.)

102. Chitra-gupta Bakhar, composed about 1760; contains merely Sabhasad's facts (and even language), interspersed with copious extracts from the Sanskrit Scriptures.

103. Shiva-chhatrapati-chen Sapta-prakaranatmak Charitra, by Malhar Ram Rao, Chitnis, ed. by N. J. Kirtane, 2nd ed. 1894. Incorrect, rambling or pure guess-work in many places. No State-paper used, no idea of correct chronology. Muhammadan names grossly incorrect and anachronistic. Moro Pant is perpetually conquering and having to conquer again "twenty-seven forts in Baglana &c." (pp. 41, 71, 124 and 176)!i The editing is unscholarly and of no help to the reader.

104. Shivadigvijay, ed. or published by P. R.